Tai Chi for Heart Health
Whether you need to ease back on your activity levels due to a health condition or you just prefer to exercise in a more relaxed environment, Tai Chi could be for you.
Tai Chi is a mind-body practice that requires concentration as you move through a series of moves to create "The Form".
This gentle, adaptable type of activity features flowing movements, these combined with breathing and cognitive focus create an activity that will tone muscles and calm the mind. You are taught to pay close attention to your breathing, posture and heart rate and increased body awareness can help to prevent injury and overexertion.

Tuesdays 11am and 12pm at The Bridge Community Hall (formerly known as St Luke's Church Hall).
COST: £5.00 per session, pay as you go.
To book your place or for more information please contact Juanita Ochoa on 07856 565639 or email: hooplatino@yahoo.com
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