Living Lung
The class will be held at The Windmill Community Centre on Thursdays at 12pm
All classes are £5.00 per person on a "pay as you go" basis.
To join the class please complete the registration form below, so that we know to expect you.
There is a bit of paperwork to be completed below, but this information just needs to be submitted once so that we have and idea of your health as well as how to contact you directly.
Then you are ready to GO !!
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties.
It includes:
- emphysema – damage to the air sacs in the lungs
- chronic bronchitis – long-term inflammation of the airways
- interstitial lung disease – affects the network of tissue that supports the air sacks in the lungs
Bronchiectasis - a long-term condition where the airways of the lungs become abnormally widened, leading to a build-up of excess mucus that can make the lungs more vulnerable to infection
Lung disease a common condition that mainly affects middle-aged or older adults who smoke. Many people do not realise they have it.
The breathing problems tend to get gradually worse over time and can limit your normal activities, although treatment can help keep the condition under control. Adults above the age of 35 who are smoker or ex-smoker are more likely to be living with breathing problems
Exercise itself cannot reverse lung disease, but it can change the way you feel, breathe, and function.
We want to help you to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Exercise training can reduce the symptoms of breathlessness on exertion, build stronger muscles and improve exercise tolerance which will lead to a better quality of life. It will also enable you to stay independent and achieve all your daily activities. Keep it up at least three days a week.
Exercise cannot reverse lung disease, but it can reverse de-conditioning and improve your quality of life
If your health care professional has told you to use oxygen with activity, you should also use oxygen with exercise. Ask your health care provider how to set your oxygen for exercise, to ensure you are getting an efficient amount.
To find local support in the Redditch and Bromsgrove area, click here
Here at Redditch Borough Council we are working with the Countywide COPD Team to bring you a continuous sustainable community class, with a qualified instructor who is passionate about health.

If you would like any further information please contact Juanita Ochoa on 07856 565693 or email
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