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Bin Collections
Benefits & Support
Council Tax
Cost of Living
Business Rates
Active Redditch
Parks and Events
Bins and Recycling
Find your bin day, report a missed bin, have your bulky items collected, recycling information and request a replacement bin if your bin is damaged or lost.
Landscapes and Trees
Our services for your local environment, including hedges, grass, trees, flooding, drainage and sewerage.
Street Cleaning
From tackling litter and dog mess to abandoned cars and community action, we're working together for a cleaner, safer Redditch
Septic tanks and cesspool emptying
If you have a septic tank, cesspit or cesspool we can empty it for you at low cost. This service is provided by Bromsgrove District Council.
Empty homes
Empty homes can attract vandalism and anti-social behaviour, and are a wasted resource, so we try to bring them back into use.
Information on parking including permits, fines, charges and appeals and any other parking related topics within Redditch Borough.
Encampments of gypsies and travellers
How to enquire about an encampment and the policy towards unauthorised encampments.
Roads and Transport
Keeping the streets of Redditch safe and secure.
Noise, pollution and pests
Worcestershire Regulatory Services provide services to reduce noise, pollution and pests to help protect you. You will be re-directed to the WRS website
Food and Drink
Advise for consumers about food complaints, food safety, the food hygiene ratings scheme and the reporting and investigation of food borne illness and diseases
Dog Warden Service
Report a lost dog or stray dog to the Dog Warden at Worcestershire Regulatory Service
Find me a Home
Find somewhere to live in Redditch here, including renting a home from us or other landlords and if you're at risk of homelessness.
Renting and Home Tenancy
All you need to know about renting a home.
Extra Care Housing – A home for life
Suitable for tenants aged 60 years and older. Find out more about Extra Care Housing here
Here's everything you need to rent a garage from us, from payments to cancellations.
Repairs and Maintenance
We can help with a range of repairs, managing damp and mould or maintenance issues, including when your landlord isn't being reasonable
Improve or adapt your home
From adapting your home to your needs, to ensuring that your works comply with building regulations, we have a range of ways to help.
Housing Complaint or Enquiry
Homes should be maintained to a decent standard and safe to live in, and we can help make sure this happens.
Living in a House in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Advice and information if you are living in Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs
Public health and nuisances
You are entitled to enjoy your home in peace and comfort, free from nuisance and harassment. If you can't, we can usually help.
Right to buy
If you are a council tenant you may be able to buy your home at a discount under the right to buy scheme. Find out more here.
Immigration Property inspection
For you to sponsor someone to move here from a non-EU country a property the person will move into has to pass an inspection.
Energy improvement works
We are working with Novus and Compliance Specifics to carry out energy improvement assessments at selected council properties in Batchley and Winyates East.
View and comment on planning applications
You can view and comment on planning applications and related documents here
Boundary disputes
Boundary disputes, deeds and legal advice from Gov.UK
Building control regulations and advice
Considering building or altering a property? Use our Building Control service, from pre-application to certification, hosted by Bromsgrove District Council.
Land Charges
Protect your investment when buying or selling any property by getting the most thorough local land searches from us
HM Land Registry GOV.UK
Register the ownership of land and property in England and Wales. HM Land Registry is a non-ministerial department.
Landscape and Trees
Our services for your local environment, including hedges, grass, trees, tree protection orders (TPO) and drainage.
Noise, pollution and pest complaints
These services are provided by Worcestershire Regulatory Services. Find more information and links to their website here.
Planning Appeals
If you do not agree with a decision we have made on a planning application or enforcement matter, or if we do not make a decision within the set time limits, you can appeal
Planning Enforcement
For development without the required planning permission, or is not in accordance with the approved details, a breach of planning may have occurred and we may proceed to take formal enforcement action.
Planning Permission
Normally if you wish to develop land or buildings you will have to apply to us for planning permission. Find out about our pre-application service and fees and how to submit your application here
Planning policies
Planning policies that help to guide development in Redditch Borough
Planning Legislative Changes and Guidance
Useful information and guidance relating to planning decision-making in Redditch
Property and land sales
Guidance on how to apply to buy a small piece of land.
Drop Kerb for Private Residential Access
FAQs about rules and standards for Vehicular dropped kerbs and how to apply. This service is delivered by Worcestershire County Council.
Safety and Demolition
We can help make sure your buildings are safe. If you want to demolish a building or structure, you will need to let us know
Planning Obligations: Section 106 Agreements
Section 106 Agreements, or S106 or planning obligations, are agreements to make local improvements that developers can enter into to make a development acceptable.
Report a street lighting issue
Report a street lighting issue to Worcestershire County Council
Street naming and numbering
Anyone wishing to change the name or number of their property or seeking an address for a new property should complete our online application form.
Bereavement Services
We are here to serve the bereaved and offer a wide range of funeral, cremation, burial, and memorial services.
Getting around
Information about services that can assist residents getting around the Borough, including Dial-a-Ride and Shopmobilty,
Staying Healthy
Information, advice and local support to help you stay healthy
Support at home
Need support at home? Maybe we can help you
Find out more about the many volunteering opportunities
Motor Neurone Disease Charter
Redditch Borough Council has pledged its support to residents and carers living with Motor Neurone Disease by signing up to the Motor Neurone Disease Charter
Support for Ukraine
If you want to offer some support to the people of Ukraine, here's some information on ways you can help.
Homes for Ukraine - Move on funding
Guests preparing to move on from their sponsor or have moved into private rental accommodation can access one-off payments
The Redditch Community Lottery Website
The Redditch Community Lottery, your chance to win up to £25,000 while raising funds for your choice of local good causes! It's winning for all.
Starting Well Partnership Worcestershire
Our FREE service supports parents of children and Young people 0 to 19 years and facilitates a variety of evidence-based groups for parents.
Your Services Working Together For You
We know times are hard right now. On this page you will find a range of information to help you access support and advice to support you with the rising cost of living.
Benefits and financial support
Find out about Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and other financial support.
Register for Council Tax, find ways to pay Council Tax, access your Council Tax account. check your Council Tax Band, claim Council Tax discounts and exemptions, Council Tax information for Landlords and information about your Council Tax bill, who is liable to pay Council Tax and how your Council Tax is spent.
Jobs with us
Find a rewarding job that offers good career opportunities at the heart of local public service. Find a list of all our current vacancies here.
People & Skills- UK Shared Prosperity Fund
Organisations that provide support to access benefits, gain new skills/qualifications and valuable experiences to help secure employment. Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund until March 2025
The Active Redditch Card
Disabled or in receipt of certain benefits? You can get 25%, 50%, or 100% off selected leisure & culture services with the Active Redditch Card. Apply now!
Learningonline Redditch
Return to work or education by improving your skills and building confidence at Learningonline Redditch. Courses in English and maths.
Find a library
Find details of local library locations, opening times and facilities and of mobile library routes and timetables.
Starting a business
If you are thinking of starting a business, we've got lots of support for you from staff training and licenses to premises. Find out more here!
Schools, College and education
Schools, college and education information from Worcestershire County Council
Rent Payment Card
You can now get a Rent Payment Card to easily pay your council rent at your local Post Office or PayPoint outlet, if you're not already signed up by Direct Debit.
Our CCTV system operates over 100 cameras in public places across the district, and communicates directly to the police.
Dangerous Buildings
If you believe a building or structure has become dangerous please report it to us as soon as possible.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse takes many forms including physical violence. We're here to support you, challenge perpetrators and educate the public.
Emergency Planning
24-hour civil protection and emergency planning ensures services can be delivered during a major incident.
Food complaints
How to report mislabelled, mouldy, contaminated or poor quality foods to Worcestershire Regulatory Services.
Give Cold Callers the Cold Shoulder
Cold callers are being given the cold shoulder with a special neighbourhood scheme - find out more here.
Home safety and security
Improve security with lighting, stronger door and window locks or even building a "safe room" that can’t be accessed by perpetrators of abuse.
NEW Lifeline
Our community alarm service provides peace of mind 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to vulnerable people in Redditch Borough and their families.
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership
The North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership works together to reduce crime, fear of crime, disorder, and anti-social behaviour to help you feel safe.
Older and Vulnerable Residents
Resources and advice to protect our more vulnerable residents from crime
Protect Protection of Premises Terrorism Bill
Information for staff and the public on how to make their locations and people safer.
Public Space Protection Orders
A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is intended to deal with persistent anti-social behaviour in a local area that is detrimental to the community's quality of life.
Report hate crime or hate incident
Here are ways you can report hate crime or hate incident.
Safer Streets Woodrow
Safer Streets Woodrow was a £430,000 crime-fighting project to improve the security & safety of EVERY home in Woodrow Centre, Ombersley Close, & Rushock Close
Scam Warnings
Scammers routinely pretend to be us. Stay sharp out there! Here are some scams we've seen recently, and how you can spot them.
Weil's disease (Leptospirosis)
Weil's disease is an infection that can be caught through contact with water. It starts with flu-like symptoms. Here's how to reduce your chances of contracting it.
VCS invited to bid for use of council’s Main Grants pot
Voluntary and community groups are invited to bid for up to £10k of the council’s £100K pot of grant funding for 2025.
07 Feb 2025
Fund To Prevent Homelessness Agreed
A £50,000 annual investment to provide a cash pot which will help tenants facing financial hardship was agreed by Redditch Borough Council.
31 Jan 2025
Offer in place for Dial a Ride & Shopmobility
Residents in Redditch are set to take advantage of an offer for Dial a Ride and Shopmobility services.
30 Jan 2025
Arrow Valley Lake Levelling Up
Works are being carried out at Arrow Valley Countryside Centre to upgrade facilities to improve customer experience.
Investment to Target Damp and Mould For Tenants
A £500,000 investment in a new team which will focus on dealing with damp and mould in Council properties, putting the local authority ahead of the national curve, was agreed last night.
29 Jan 2025
What It Means To Host Ukraine Families
Redditch Borough Council has launched a campaign in a bid to find more hosts to give homes to families fleeing Ukraine.
24 Jan 2025
Take a look
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