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Taxi and private hire

Taxis (hackney carriage) and private hire vehicles, drivers, and their booking offices must all be licensed separately.

The Council has adopted a new Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy which is effective from 1 September 2022.

The adoption of the new Policy was prompted by the publication by the Government of the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards, which provide instructive guidance to licensing authorities on how they should use their taxi and private hire licensing powers to protect children and vulnerable individuals over the age of 18 from harm when using these services.

You can download a copy of the new Policy from the WRS website here

Driver Licensing

If you want to drive any kind of taxi including hackney carriages or private hire vehicles you will need a licence from us.

Vehicle Licensing

Licensing a vehicle as a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle

Operator Licensing

Hiring out a vehicle with a driver must be licensed by us.

Pay Online

Pay for your taxi and private hire licences, amendments, DBS checks, DVLA check, replace badges, retake of knowledge tests, replacement plates and transfer of ownership online


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