Balsam bashing!
Could you help out once a year to manage a major weed problem in Arrow Valley Country Park?
We’re putting out a call for people to register their interest in volunteering to help tackle highly invasive Himalayan Balsam in the park, at an annual 'balsam bashing' event each April or May.
If you or a group you are involved with want us to contact you when plans about this annual volunteering event start to take shape, please fill in your email address below.
What is it?
Himalayan Balsam grows on riverbanks and wasteland and travels long distances through watercourses, meaning it spreads easily. Attempts to remove it have to be well-timed, as its fragile seed pods will simply burst and spread more of the weed downstream. It's present across the borough but specifically in abundance at Arrow Valley Country Park, and the problem is so serious that attacking it has been included as part of our watercourse management plan.

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