Your search for the phrase homeless returned 14 results.
Are you REALLY helping a homeless person?
Here's what you can do if you want to help us get a homeless person get off the streets for good and tackle homelessness.
Location: /residents/living/are-you-really-helping-a-homeless-person/
Homelessness and Housing Solutions
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness, contact us to find out what assistance you could be entitled to.
Location: /residents/my-home/find-me-a-home/homelessness-and-housing-solutions/
Duty to refer
If you would like to make a referral for someone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness find out more here about the online tool ALERT - duty to refer
Location: /residents/my-home/duty-to-refer/
My Home
Information about council tenancy, renting privately, homeless services and how to seek a mutual exchange if you are a council or housing association tenant.
Location: /residents/my-home/
Emergency Out of Hours
Contact Emergency Out of Hours
Location: /contacts-a-z/e/emergency-out-of-hours/
Help with debt
If you are having difficulty it may help if you speak with us or an advice agency
Location: /residents/money-education-skills/council-tax/having-problems-paying/help-with-debt/
Right to buy - Other exceptions
Right to Buy. Here are 17 other, less common, exceptions to the Right to Buy.
Location: /residents/my-home/right-to-buy/right-to-buy-exceptions/right-to-buy-other-exceptions/
Redditch Homes
Apply and bid for council and housing association properties in Redditch with Redditch Homes, the system for advertising and allocating social housing in the borough.
Location: /residents/my-home/find-me-a-home/redditch-homes/
Contact Homelessness and Housing Solutions
Location: /contacts-a-z/h/homelessness-and-housing-solutions/
Landlords and House in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Location: /business/landlords/landlord-regulatory-requirements-including-hmo-s/landlords-and-house-in-multiple-occupation-hmos/
Useful Links
Council meetings and agendas
Council Tax Portal
Public Access
Planning application system
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