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Town Hall Works Underway

The project to refurbish Redditch Town Hall into a community hub has begun this month (January).

The revised plans, which were approved in September 2024, include modernised council chambers and borough council offices as well as spaces for commercial end users and spaces for hire by the community for events, community group and business use.

Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration, and Governance, Cllr. Joe Baker, said: “Making progress on the Town Hall Hub project is a major positive for the people of Redditch and the programme of improvements for the town centre. Keeping council services and meetings under one roof is important in creating an accessible and open Local Authority for our residents. The Town Hall is an iconic building in the town centre and to see it rejuvenated as a commercial commodity will be a welcome sight for me, as I’m sure it will be my fellow residents.”

The project is part of a wider schedule of improvements to Redditch Town Centre – bringing together the borough council, NHS, and other services and tenants in a transformed Redditch Town Hall.

 Director for MAC Construction Consultants, Barry Smith, said: “We’re so excited for the work to begin on this project. The plans for Redditch Town Hall will create a new, fresh building filled with opportunity for the residents of Redditch. Providing a mix of hireable community and business space, as well as access to established services, for residents in one place aims to rejuvenate the building as a key touchpoint for community.”

Operations Director at Seddon, Andrea Wilson, said: “We’re delighted to have been appointed by Redditch Borough Council to complete the refurbishment works and transform the town hall into a thriving community hub for the people of Redditch. Council buildings like this are at the heart of communities so its great to see investment in these spaces.”

The NHS section of the building will remain open for the duration of the works. The non-NHS sections will remain closed to the public until the works are completed. 

The hub will provide a newly rejuvenated facility to house multiple tenant services in one place. This will be easier for residents to access more of the services they need in one place, which will in turn allow for more efficiency in their delivery.

Cllr. Baker added: “It was part of our manifesto to bring face to face working back to the council, a vibrant hub where conference facilities could be accessed making the town hall the heart of our community and political engagement.”

Customer Services for Redditch Borough Council will continue to be accessible at 5 George Walk in the Kingfisher Centre (outside behind Primark) until the work is complete and will always be reachable by calling 01527 64252.

The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025, ready to welcome in new tenants and residents alike.

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