Matchborough Carpark Getting Makeover
Matchborough Centre South Car Park will be temporarily closed for five days later this month for essential improvement work and resurfacing.
The car park, accessed via Matchborough Way, will be completely closed from 22 July for three days so that it can be resurfaced.
The old surfacing will be planed off before new surfacing is put down and the lines painted back on. We ask for residents to please remove their cars from this area and the car park before the works begin on the 22nd.
The work, to be completed by the council’s contractors Kelbec, will be noisy and dusty. Cars left in close proximity to the works are left at the owners’ risk, as the planing of the old tarmac could cause damage.
Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Cllr. Sid Khan, said: “We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we hope to keep disruption to a minimum. The nature of this work means that closing the area is in the best interest of local residents to avoid any health and safety issues, as well as enabling our contractors to complete the work as quickly as possible.”
This work forms part of a bigger ongoing improvement project around the borough.
For more information on the works contact Matthew Mead on 01527 64252 or email

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