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Subsidies for affordable housing

Affordable housing schemes may qualify for Government subsidies to support their delivery. Find out more here from GOV.UK.

Section 106 sites

Affordable housing sites that have come about through Section 106 Agreements are only usually eligible for subsidy if they are explicitly supported by us.

To be supported by us they must be delivered through a member of The Redditch Affordable Housing Development Partnership and be subject to various appraisals. Please contact us for more information.

The Redditch Affordable Housing Development Partnership

The key aims and purpose of The Redditch Affordable Housing Development Partnership are:

  1. To address housing needs and provide affordable housing for people living or working in Redditch
  2. To improve the quality of local housing stock
  3. To provide high quality housing management and maintenance services
  4. To promote strong, sustainable communities through working with those communities and other agencies
  5. to promote integrated employment, training, economic and community initiatives linked to the provision of housing
  6. To expand the choice of housing available to people in Redditch
  7. To maximise the investment of public and private funding
  8. Promote equality and diversity to reflect Redditch’s local community.


  1. Bromsgrove District Housing Trust
  2. Rooftop Housing Group
  3. Sanctuary Housing Group

Contact us

To find out more about affordable housing schemes, contact the strategic housing team

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